The daily Quest for your True Self
Are we as humanity and you for yourself in search for your unique purpose, the reason why you are here on earth, what will be your added value for yourself and society? If you do not do this work yourself properly AI and media will do it for their purpose. Not only google, facebook, twitter and linkedIn use your behavior and searches on social media as their golden business model. Also Tiktalk (tiktok) and Netflix use your preferences to even create your content on demand. Already now these algoritmes in the backoffice of your streaming media provider create your new reality, with the proposition of new content you did not search for…
Finding your true self in 2021
As a 1961 kid I have still much space and time spending off the grid. I still love being in nature, with y family, amongst people within my community and creating art work. I feel awake and try to question all my teachings, readings and provided media information. I love research and investigative journalism in order to prepare for my art projects.
When I see my children and certainly the youngest 10–15 years old, they are FIRST connected trough the media world still in bed and get really awake only with difficulties afterwards.
So it becomes annoying, not interesting and even irritating to prepare for school, breakfast or organise their morning dressing and other routine. We could say this is typical for adolescent youngsters. Nevertheless the virtual and pushed on-line reality is much easier and faster than real life and so as parents we have a whole new virtual world to compete with. The problem is this smartphone connection becomes almost more important than real relations with friends and family. Does it become really difficult to connect with alive next to you eating, talking and breathing people nowadays? Are parents, teachers and all servicing employees working for them, becoming ‘slaves’ and you as kid remaining ‘the queen of Sheba’? Does it not all start with mutual respect and real interest in the other?
How can you help your children to transfer your values? How can you educate your children about their true purpose and learning about their true self in a pushed media world where IPR and legal notice is unknown for the users but the biggest chunk of the business model for the creators of your children’s activities ?
As teacher or parent, you have to be very earthed, agile, empathic, resilient and connected to every cell in your body to stand the storms, the stress and keeping space for your self and your beloved ones. Sometimes I have the feeling it has become almost impossible to live for a longer period of time with the fragility and loving connection in contact with others. Why do we outsource this quest together with specialists in therapy and yoga classes in order to live the real ME and hunger to feed our true Self? In search for food for our soul, we listen to music, we are running and sporting, unsatisfied and disconnected to our own and others hart? We create businesses and schools and invest a lot in order to create space and time to find our only human purpose…
Support in your quest @ school
In the primary school we founded 13 years ago, I observe a growing trend. More and more these children get lost, loose more and more focus and have a lot of difficulties to maintain attention for longer then 2–3 minutes. More and more children get diagnosed with lower the 90 IQ, autism, perfectionism, ADD, DCD,… Each year more children have to see a psychiatrist and start taking Relatine and other drugs in order to be able to just listen and sit still for a very limited period of time in the classroom. We talk about short runs from around 20 minutes and in total on a day for less then 3–4 hours. All the rest is self organized and play time. When we as teachers listen to one singular student this goes rather well. But when children have to listen to other children they can almost not switch on the motivation to maintain respect and attention for the other stories and questions. It is as if the hunger of the EGO has become even bigger the last 30 years? But do these children find their true purpose, interest or Self or are they just waiting to get the next shot of games on their smaller and smaller screens?
More and more money, services and public funding goes to the payment of experts who are NOT in the class but take children out of the room for 1/1 teachings as logo or other therapy, coaching and counseling from the age of 5–6 years old! And this with the purpose to keep the children better and better learning students.
Do these children tell us that they do not want to keep the same pace and purpose we propose them? Did we help and support them too long and too much ? As educators we have a lot of respect for these pure and young souls. We sense the spirit and the potential of the whole life yet to come. As midwifes we support their growth in the specific and individual wat of their True Self.
Now in companies I work a lot as team leader trainer and facilitator. Nowadays in lean organizations this is called the scrum-master ;-). On an individual level this work is the same as in the school. We support the individuals in smaller teams (around 13 people) and re-connect them with their true Self and with the others within their team.
In blockchain we invested in decentralized financing and here again it goes about optimizing and facilitating the access to the world on a smaller and smaller scale.
But more interesting in this context is the meaning of the French word: ‘un défi’ ; ‘a challenge’ which is at stake here. We have to recalibrate our true Self and adapt to these new possibilities. And the possibility we get chattered all over the place is becoming bigger and bigger. Even when the number of investors and artists like myself working with blockchain raises, even more people do NOT want to learn about this new technology. They do not see how their banks, social media work. Just like many people do not know how their car works. People want to get out of the claws of the system, change the system and get off-grid, on order to remain longer and better connected to their true self and purpose in life.
Vision quest in search of the Holy Grail
In traditional cultures the elder and other leaders got the time to leave the daily work and community to reconnect with and in nature with their true self. They got this time-out with the purpose to bring back new insights to the community. This was not a full time job, but typically a week long retreat, that would be undertaken several times in one persons life span.
Later in Greek, Roman, Byzantium, Chinese and many other cultures students received a limited period of time ‘off work’ in order to research certain important questions or learn important skills.
In our society we leave these quests to professionals at universities and R&D in businesses, foundations and multinational operating. We optimize this research with lightning speed super computers. And we as individuals get more and more dependent, disconnected and lost. We need not only shamans, but our psychotherapist, yoga and diet teacher in order to just survive and hope we will find peace before we die. Peace we can experience not jumping from a plane, climbing the highest mountain, earning more money, but finding again and again our True Self and purpose of life. Enjoy your day! Namaste, Geniet van deze prettige dag.