HEALTH. A new realistic UTOPIA for a healthy society
Reinventing society #000011
When I was teaching and coaching doctors, nurses and other health professionals, I very often heard about missing time and real healing contact with their patients. They often pointed at the management, administration and staffing that in their goal for optimization, got heavier at higher costs.While the human contact with the client got pushed into the backend or the frontoffice of the work- and more importantly the cash-flow.
The last 10 years more and more private and even more public ‘health’ money went into investments for construction of hospitals, technology and drugs. All of these have made the rapid growth and accessibility of healthcare possible. Billions of people got access to modern healthcare. What is the good side of the effects.
On the other side more and more people get incurable illnesses and die! Why do we lack more and more personal and preventive healthcare? It is like our goal for optimization itself did cross the border of effectiveness. And at the same time war and other power, political and egocentric wealth driven decisions do not help for cure. Even when officials, some experts and decision makers often claim the opposite in public media, the reality in fact does not follow their talk. This has been the way for rulers to maintain in power. We are nevertheless at the end of this era. Old ‘dragons’ will fight for their individual survival while they cannot stop the natural evolution for the better for all.
- We need more attention to what makes us ill. All over the globe hygiene and more comfortable lifestyles are implemented. Acces to drinking water and waste management is big business and remains a challenge. Our climate, environment, air and biology are exploited to a very high degree. We hardly can survive the technological disasters and accidents we create. The effects of the economic growth actions in the 60-ties become only visible now. The growth and exploitation we exponentially continu to implement, is pushing our planet at its limits for many species, biotopes and people! Added to all that we push people in return for their wealth to work faster and more effective. There also we crossed a healthy line, while people suffer from stress, collapse into burnout and choose for suicide. We have to rethink other ways for success, happiness and health than trough consumerism. Amongst more and more other voices in society, the academic work of the Dutch researcher Rutger Brechman points into a more sustainable future. Unfortunately these ideas do not please the rich and powerful top management and society of our planet. They always prefer the short term growth and scalability of their wealth and power against the sustainable distribution of health and wealth for all living beings. Now and as a reaction more and more people want to unlock from this greedy grid and create from the bottom up new and local communities and economies. With the available technology and risen awareness and connected intelligence this is again possible! We reconnect with cost-effective alternative cures and more preventive support for the health of everybody and all our planet. Healthy bio-dynamic and local food is a very cost effective starting point!
2. We need a new preventive healthcare system. In ancient tribal and even modern societies, in Europe, Africa and China, the quality of a doctor or medicine man/woman was calculated by the amount of healthy people he or she was responsible for. While now heroic medicine and mostly curative operations get all the money, hurrays and media attention. A good trend is that more and more professional healthcare people and business integrates these old knowledge into modern practice. Thanks to this for example new drugs were ‘found’ and commercialized in the twentieth century, mostly copying and synthetically producing the elements they researched in ancient plant based medicine from all over the world. Many of the new offsprings in medicine are heading very fast to a dead end, while grasping billions of people and money into their fall. Prevention costs less than 1/7th of a traditional medical cure and would make many more people happy and healthy. These preventive actions are almost not and none financed by existing social and private security and insurance. These very rich organizations only get into operation when a cure for the ill is needed. When cure is necessary we should always put people before tech and money. An excellent read is the work of Martha E. Rogers about the basis of nursing.
3. We need another solidarity and health insurance system. 20 years ago life insurance companies in Europe told the politicians they would not be able to pay the promised sums at the retirements for their clients. The first generation of that pyramide system still got very rich on the backs of the taxpayers. With the worldwide recession and loss of value of the money we get for our work families loose more and more possibilities to finance their pension and retirement. When we reinvent a new solidarity and health insurance system focuses on prevention and solidarity instead of profit for a few we might get out of the empty savings accounts of our public pension and health funds.